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Explorer ponder 10

Hello random viewer this is my Explorer ponder 10, I hope you enjoy.

This book was about four kids trying to survive in the amazon rain forest and on the way learning crucial survival and meeting a mysterious stranger that will eventually help.The book was actually quite good and had some really good words to describe certain characters or settings.The book itself though is alright in my opinion with my rating of 1 to 10 being 7/10.

Would you buy this book using your own money?

Explorer ponder 9

Kia ora random viewer this is my Explorer ponder 9, I hope you enjoy.

If I was able to leave the jungle and left a message it would be a map of where I left things and next to them would be instructions on how to use them.

If you left the jungle and and had to leave a message what would it be?

Explorer ponder 8

Kia ora random viewer this is my explorer ponder 8, I hope you enjoy.

If I had to survive off of one of these animals I would survive on the caiman because it would have some meat to eat and it’s scales could be used for some purposes.

Which one of these animals would you eat to survive?


Explorer ponder 7

Hello random viewer this is my explorer ponder 8, I hope you enjoy.

If I was a character in the explorer book I would be most like Con because i’d be mad at everyone but then nice to them because i’d get to know them.

What “The Explorer” character are you most like?

Explorer ponder 5

Hello random viewer this is my explorer ponder 5, I hope you enjoy

I would still go into the river to clean my self because self hygiene is very important and I have to use everything to my disposal.And that same reason is why I would go hunt for food.

Would you use river water to take a shower?

Explorer ponder 2

Hello random viewer this is my explorer ponder 2, hope you enjoy.

If I was stranded in the Amazon forest I would bring these six things:

  • Water
  • Me and my friends parents
  • Food
  • My friends
  • A map
  • A car

What six things would you bring?Would you be able to survive?