Explorer ponder 4

Hello random viewer this is my explorer ponder 4, I hope you enjoy

Terrified, they scattered in all directions attempting to escape from the ferocious tiger.

2 thoughts on “Explorer ponder 4

  1. Hi, Raika It’s me Taanish from Room 21.
    So you know about The Explorer book right?
    I will use the word ferocious.
    The sentence I made up is “There was a mighty ferocious polar bear in the frozen wilds!”
    Yep that’s my sentence I hope is good. I mean I think it is good.
    I have a question can you use another word to make a sentence?
    Good day, Taanish.

    1. Kia ora Taanish, Raika here and I can use a different word in a sentence, here it is,”Barrelling down the hill, he screamed with joy and pleasure, but what he didn’t see there was a tree in the way.”
      Have you enjoyed the book so far?

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